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My relationship with Linux/Unix has been a roller coaster ride, on and off, on and off. I’ve been introduced with Linux while I was doing my bachelors at NorthSouth University. Well actually few years before that, when one of my friend showed me the OS, No graphics just command line. He showed me how to send an email in command line, I was impressed.

During Uni started doing a RHCE certification course and really got into RedHad. Loved it, found the power of command line. After 2 month course, went for the RHCE exam, wasn’t really prepared for that kind of exam. Passed the Troubleshooting part but failed the Server building part. Really disappointed at myself, as my parents paid for the exam it was a lot of money to take the exam. So never tried back again.

Then again when I was doing Masters, got sick and tired of using windows. Started using Ubuntu everywhere, laptop desktop. I was really happy, I could do everything , well almost everything. I never was a heavy gamer but I used to play games and I started missing playing games on my pc. So went back to windows and using linux as vm.

My last work IPFX, there was no use of linux, All windows environment. So after a while, I stopped using linux personally as well. But then when I joined my current company EML, They heavily used OPENBSD which is a Unix based System. All the firewalls and WAN gateways are OpenBSD box. So I’m back with Linux/Unix again,.